Book Review: Love Warrior – Glennon Doyle Melton
Love Warrior is an Oprah Book Club recommended read. Of course, I had to obey and find out what the fuss was about. Besides, I enjoy reading memoirs, gaining insight into an individual’s life.
Firstly, Glennon Doyle Melton can write, really well! This is the kind of book you pick up to read a few pages and end up reading chapters. It felt like I’d become her shrink, sitting on the couch listening to her story, the reasons for her life falling apart, yet unable to save her from self destruction. I couldn’t believe that one person could go through so much and stay sane.
Addiction stories speak deeply to me. Glennon’s life is riddled in low self-esteem, placing others first, not knowing what makes her happy. Her journey to self-discovery is painful, heartbreaking and truly courageous.
This book will take you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. It will keep you fixated for hours, shaking your head, wondering if it will let up. Glennon’s words will stay with you even after you’ve read the final page, making you grateful for the life you have, despite your challenges.
A must-read five star rating!
A friend gifted me with this book towards the end of the year last year. It is a very quick read and she draws you into her world. I did struggle with how harsh she narrated her ex husbands character. Other than that its a good book.
I always wonder how difficult it must be for family members when a memoir is written and they’re featured in it. Many people don’t take kindly to it and it causes rifts that can’t be forgiven. In Glennon’s case, it worked out for the best and they are happily married.
Your book review sounds good enough to buy the book…
Thanks my friend <3 I will bring you the book 🙂