My Mom is my Queen. She is the first person I want to call when I have news to share. She is the one I want to vent to when things don’t go my way. She brought me into this world, held me in her loving arms, sang sweet lullabies and vowed to protect me for the rest of her days.
Every fond memory I have has my Mom in it. From my first day of school, wedding day, first flat, the birth of my daughters and countless celebrations 🙂 She encapsulates all the joyous moments of my life for they wouldn’t have been special without her presence, her touch and the magic she weaves.
We are so different, my Mom and I. She is a great talker, utterly kind, forever helping, cooking up a storm, taking care of the young ones, with a welcoming smile and always adorned in a colourful sari. To be in her company is a treat for you know you’re gonna be spoilt with great company and definitely too much to eat!
The past year has not been easy on my Mom, having lost my Dad. Even through her darkest days she never let on how tough it was. She continued my Dad’s work, taking on the stresses, never complaining or feeling sorry for herself. She remained determined, strong, loving, caring and upheld my Dad’s name and his memory burns bright wherever she goes.
Today I celebrate my Mom. She is my inspiration – she is everything I wish to be and more. All the I love you’s in the world can never be enough to say how much she means to me, the irreplaceable role she plays in my life and the wonderful memories we share. I promise to always be there for her, to ease her worries and take care of her troubles the way she’s done for me.
I cherish and adore my phenomenal Mom and wish her the happiest Mother’s Day. She is and always will be the Queen of my Heart <3
alison41 says
What a lovely tribute to your Mother. I was spoilt by a magnificent bouquet of flowers and phone calls.
Sweet Life of Sumi Singh says
Thanks Alison. Flowers is always a winner especially when they come from the kids. Enjoy the rest of your Mother’s day 🙂
Neil says
Absolutely beautiful Luv and so true. I always said that it was Ma that made me fat. The minute she saw my plate empty, so came to dish up again. And I couldn’t also refuse, the food was just too good. Ooohhh and how she loves to talk, everyone that’s in her company loves listening to her stories, very entertaining and so humble too. We all love her so much! She will do the world for you and never ever complain. A remarkable woman that should be treasured. Love you Ma :-* :-* 🙂
Sweet Life of Sumi Singh says
Lol… you may say so, but you love every moment of it!!! She is indeed extraordinary and we are so blessed to have her in our lives <3 It's a pity we live so far apart though … but in a way we value our time with her and appreciate her more <3
h.m.seiler says
It’s a love story about your mother..I enjoyed reading it. You are a blessed ..
Sweet Life of Sumi Singh says
Thank you my dear friend <3 love and miss you <3