I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do for my fortieth birthday and two things came to mind – music and dancing. Neil and I loved clubbing in our hey-day and music remains a constant in our lives.
An idea was brewing in my mind to throw a club party with a DJ on the decks, in the confines of my home surrounded by family and friends. The more I pondered over it, the more it felt right in my soul and that’s when the planning process took off.
My party planner, Candice Sonnenberg was instrumental in bringing my idea to life. We spent countless hours going through the finer details on how I wanted the party to unfold. Nothing phased her and I knew my party was in great hands.
As the big day drew closer, my home was a hive of activity. I was lucky to have my Mom and Sister arrive in Cape Town to assist me with the party. I know I certainly would not have been able to cope without their help.
On the big day, all I pretty much did was get my hair and make-up done. Yet this ate much of my time and when I got home, my ordinary garage was transformed into a plush club. I was bubbling with excitement, everything was falling into place and I could not wait for the evening to begin.
I changed and got ready for my party. Very soon, guests started trickling in. Colleagues from work, running buddies and long standing friends took time out to spend the evening with me.
Announcements started promptly at 8pm. The MC was my work colleague, Evadne who had us in stitches. Neil was called upon to say a few words and everybody sang Happy Birthday. I was handed the mike and I spoke for some time. There was so much I wanted to say, so many people in my life who helped me along my journey, who meant so much to me and assisted to make the evening possible. My wish was for guests to eat, drink, be merry and let their hair down.
After a successful speech, the party went into full force. The DJ played some awesome beats and we got down and danced the night away.
My party was everything and more I could have hoped for. I thank God for gracing me with another year, for the opportunity to spend it with the ones I hold dear to my heart, for helping me to embrace my forties and to look forward to the next chapter in my life 🙂
Thanks Luv. It was thoroughly enjoyable. Everyone had so much fun. Awesome!!!
Thanks babe, I couldn’t have pulled it off without you. We sure make a great team 🙂
A belated birthday wish for health, and happiness in the year ahead. You’re 40 and fabulous – Enjoy!
A big thanks Alison!
Fabulous birthday party baby sis! It was awesome to spend your special day with you. ..
Know that we love you and miss you tons xxx
Aww sis, I love and miss you more 🙂
Hi Sumi, the party was Fabulous. Had an Awesome time and I had the privilege of meeting your Mom and sister. Take care and stay as “Fabulous Forty”. Much love. Naomi
Thanks Naomi 🙂 I loved having you there, we sure had a fabulous time 🙂