I have to admit I’m becoming a bit antsy now that my appointment with my Doctor is around the corner. Although I cannot wait to get out of these hideous moon boots and start walking in normal shoes – I’m not certain whether my feet will be strong enough to handle my body weight on them. Jeez, all these pesky thoughts keep popping in and out of my mind!
However, my feet are healing nicely – the wounds aren’t as discoloured, the stitches have dissolved and they look pretty normal! My one hour marathon bathing sessions are still on track, although I’m hoping to shave some time considerably next week with any luck!
This week I’ve managed to help the family out with the cooking. I’ve also succeeded in getting some cleaning done around the house even though it takes me twice as long, taking plenty of seated breaks along the way – it feels great having the strength to pull my weight at home.
I’m still meditating – yay! I look forward to lighting my candle every day, spending ten minutes alone, my ME time to zone out and steer away nagging thoughts. I truly believe that it has benefited me tremendously, I’m calm and collected and don’t become easily frazzled – but then I suppose the real test would be to see how it works in the big bad world when life becomes super-busy.
I finished reading Writing down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg and as predicted, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m itching to write a book review. (Although can one write a book review on a writing book – not sure – but what the heck – I loved the book so I’ll give it a bash!) Another book I’m absolutely loving is One Day by David Nicholls – it’s such a marvellous read – the Author has me in stitches with his quirky clever writing. I’ve been on a FABULOUS read-a-thon for a while now and I’m enjoying every moment:-). It confirms once again why I love reading and why writing is my calling.
I was looking forward to the weekend for it marked Neil and my NINETEENTH wedding anniversary. WOW – I sometimes have to pinch myself for I cannot believe we’ve been married that long, but time flies when you’re having fun:-). On these momentous occasions one cannot help nostalgically reflecting on the wonderful years spent together, the beautiful daughters we created and the life we built. Neil walked into my life at the right time to save me from a very lonely period I was going through. And although we might have married at a tender age – the love we shared for one another continued to grow deeper and stronger with each passing year.
Neil and I don’t have a support structure in Cape Town – we raised our girls on our own, managed to provide them with a loving home even though we had tons of challenges along the way, the main ingredients that kept us together was our genuine love and affection for another. I always knew he had my back and he’d protect us till the end. A love like that is hard to find, needs to be nurtured and treasured at all times.
Normally when our anniversary rolls around, we go away for the day or even the weekend but due to my circumstances, this wasn’t possible. Nevertheless we decided to make the most of it by arranging a picnic. This would be the first time I would actually venture out of the car and walk on the grass in full sight of the world!
Luckily we headed to Maiden’s Cove and found a nice shady spot away from the crowds which did not require much walking for me. It was lovely to be outdoors, the mountainous twelve apostles surrounding us, cheery youngsters frolicking on the beach, overlooking a sprawling view of breezy Camps Bay.
We tucked into a delicious picnic of rainbow fruit skewers, greek salad, savoury samosas, beef frikadels, crumbed chicken strips, skewered prawns and topped it all off with caramel and banana pancakes smothered in crème. We were truly stuffed and ready to relax and doze off when a loud-hailer went off in the distance from a police vehicle summoning everyone in the vicinity of Maiden’s Cove to depart as closing time was 18h00! With utter shock and disappointment plastered all over our faces, we unwillingly packed our belongings and petulantly headed to the car.
This minor setback wasn’t going to deter us from enjoying the rest of our special day. We drove off in search of remote spot close to Llandudno to view the sun set. By this time the weather had also turned nasty with the wind blowing ferociously across the waves, shaking the car with its sheer force. But we refused to budge – we sat chatting about the good ol’ days, all the parties we frequented, all the crazy moments we survived all the while listening to some old tunes we loved way back in the nineties. When the time arrived for the sun to set over a blustry Cape Town, a rising cloud threatened to steal its final moments from us and ultimately won as it vanished into the horizon.
So even though our anniversary didn’t quite turn out the way I envisioned – I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it for I was with the one I loved, the one person who has stood by me from the beginning and continues to hold my hand even when things don’t work out as planned. Love isn’t always about romance, flowers and expensive dinners – it’s the small quiet moments with your special someone which snuggles into your heart and steals your breath away and spending time with Neil certainly does that for me:-)
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